Lupinizam by Stephan Lupino

Welcome to the Lupinizam Paintings Gallery. Many of the original works of art available for investment here in this official online gallery are held directly by the artist, Stephan Lupino. Some are on show in exhibitions and galleries around the world. If you are interested in a particular piece which is not in the artist’s possession, please contact us for more information at


Lupinizam represents an extraordinary life-long journey through the mind and soul of one man – Stephan Lupino. From his early days as a street photographer capturing portraits of the hedonistic eighties New York club glitterati to his latest endeavours, offering street performance with painted models and sculpted pieces, Lupino is never content to rest on his laurels.

“Lupinizam captures the contrast between expression and appreciation of transitory beauty and pleasure, and the darker knowledge of decay and despair. The artist captures this paradox in portrait photography, in paintings and sculptural pieces and through live performance art where models embrace and dance with his works of art.”

Andrew Hemingway, Oxford University


Desert Abstract

Stephan Lupino discusses Lupinizam


by Stephan Lupino

Lupinizam by Stephan Lupino represents a lifetime devoted to the artist’s neo-expressionist art, expressed in multiple media.

Lupino’s work is passionate and energetic, driven by both a desire to capture the nuances of humankind’s haphazard transient presence against the background of an indifferent universe and a personal struggle to align his spiritual convictions, often framed via the iconography of conventional religious and cultural motifs.

Browse Lupino’s extensive collection of Lupinizam art here on his official gallery. Spend time to get to know the world of Lupinizam with the option to invest in a collectible piece from Lupino’s official collection.




Lupino’s early career began as an artist in the eighties in New York clubs where he experimented with  candid portraits of the famous and the private. His work captures an uncomfortable dissonance between a garrulous public style and an inner disquiet.


Lupino turned to painting after returning to his native home, Croatia, in the nineties during the civil war. He expands on themes explored in his photography against the backdrop of a nation in turmoil and brings to life highly personal and national struggles.


A natural extension of his painting work is in his prodigious ‘sculptured work’ portfolio. Lupino explores themes and motifs – fallen angels, sad dances, empty embraces, despair, and loneliness across multiple executions including bronzes, metal figures,  natural stones and wood, and everyday furniture. 

Other Work

Lupino works with natural materials – stone, wood, metal, bronze  – to craft powerful icons of Lupinizam, which appear in his furniture series, in framed mirrors, in tribal masks, in christian crosses and on multiple aged wood sculptures.

Popular Work

Lupinizam threads its motifs and messages across Lupino’s corpus of work whether in photography, painting or sculpture. Below are some of his most popular pieces.

Rupert Everett

Men Dancing

Desert Abstraction

Julius Caesar Throne

Buy Lupinizam Art Today

Whether you are a collector of original one-off works of art or just want to have a piece of Lupinizam in your home, we have something for everyone.




Limited Editions

What does Lupinizam

mean to you?

Lupinizam manifests itself in multiple media. Lupino, the artist, experiments with pieces as paintings, sculptures, in live performance and  through everyday pieces of home furniture.

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